ventilated cavity中文什么意思

发音:   用"ventilated cavity"造句
  • ventilated:    通风的; 通气的
  • cavity:    n. 1.【解剖学】穴,窝,盂,腔, ...
  • in-cavity:    内共振
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  1. based on the reseaching of lycoris leaf micro-morphology characters by sem scanning, light microscope viewing and using paraffin method in the article, we try to provide the proofs of experiment and the efffective characer indexes to discuss the system and evolution of the lycoris . we find these microscope characers through reseach are as follows : the arrangement type, density and the length of stoma; the shape and length of the epidermal cells; the ridge of epidermis; the transverse shape of leaf; the number of the vascular bundle; the style of vessel arrangement of vascular bundle in the middle vein; the layers of palisade tissue; the ratio of the thicken of palisade tissue to that of spongy tissue; the angle number of the middle leaf; the type of ventilating cavity etc . these characters are different from those of species in lycoris, meanwhile these characters are similar to those of some species in lycoris . so these characters can be used as the character indexes for differentiating species and reseaching systematic evolution of lycoris; we can divide lycoris into two subgenus by these characteristic indexes : the species of one subgenus are l . aurea ( l " her . ) herb,, chinensis traub, l . caldweuii traub, l . anhuiensis y . hsu et q . j . fan, l . longituba y . hsu et q . j . fan; the species of another subgenu s are l . houdyshelii traub, l . albiflora koidz .,


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